Paper and Cardboard Recycling

CTİ Inspection and Audit Inc. As his family,
We aim to be a part of paper recycling by collecting paper and cardboard products in our office and in the homes of our volunteer staff in paper recycling boxes we have obtained from Kartal Municipality.
Waste paper is considered as raw material in the recycling industry. The incoming paper and cardboard types that cannot be used without completing or completing its function in any field of use are considered as waste paper.
Paper recycling is the easiest substance in terms of applicability. However, if paper and packaging wastes are not recycled, they occupy a large place in the waste chain. In order for paper wastes to benefit the interests of the country at the maximum level, energy and time savings should be collected.
Thanks to the precautions taken by conscious persons and institution managers; While the amount of wood and natural resources destroyed during paper production is minimized, maximum environmental health and environmental gain should be targeted.
If waste paper is not used; day in Turkey 175 hectares, while 110 thousand hectares of forest in the world is being destroyed every minute.

60 kg of 20-year-old wood. while paper is obtained, 150 kg. 100 - 140 kg of waste paper. it is possible to obtain finished paper / cardboard.
Waste paper should definitely be stored in a separate place of food scraps, plastic, metal and other waste.

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