What is Periodic Inspection and Control? The purpose of the "Health and Safety Conditions Regulation" in the Use of Work Equipment "numbered 28628 published on 25.04.2013 within the Ministry of Labor and Social Security; to determine the minimum rules and conditions to be followed within the framework of the health and safety rules of the work equipment to be used in the workplaces.
According to the Health and Safety Requirements Regulation, periodic inspections of work equipment should be done on the basis of criteria and ranges specified in national and international standards, taking into account field application data, science and technical requirements. CTI Inspection A.Ş. Istanbul / Kartal main office; The teams in the cities of Istanbul , Ankara , Izmir , Bursa , Yalova and Antalya provide periodic inspection and control services. Turkey, which has a fairly wide range of services across the CTU Inspection Inc. ;
Which Machines and Equipment Should Be Periodically Inspected and Inspected?
Which Institutions Can Perform Periodic Inspections and Controls?/strong> Authorized institutions or organizations in ISO / IEC 17020 standard can do.